May. 14, 2018


Grandma's china, Grandpa's Barometer
A cherished piano purchased
With money from Grandma's estate..
Things that surround me, my haven, my fate.

Mother at Eighteen, my most valued critic,
A Venetian mask brought home from a visit.
Roses collected from my forever date..
Character Shoes that have stood on a stage.

A fine chest of drawers
Found for a song by the side of the road,
Holding a hodgepodge collection of tunes,
A couple of angels, each playing sweet notes.

A sound system cobbled
together with love;
Paintings by Otto adorn the walls.
A pic of our wedding, a best friend too.

A Carmen brochure,
A bouquet from Suor,
Costume labels, Church bulletin souvenirs,
Programmes from shows over all the years.

Sheet music, score upon score,
Of Opera, Oratorio, Art Song and more,
A Maestro's Autograph scratched onto a cover,
A Rock Star's signature on a guitar.

More drawers, all filled right to the brim,
Old vinyl recordings of legends
Performances from which I will learn,
Listening enjoyment for years to come.

Many have contributed,
Many have been involved;
Many have touched my life,
Many my heart have moved.

All these things watch over me
And I delight in their presence..
As I have delighted in yours,
Along this exciting journey.

Kira Braun